Labour contract (Pracovní smlouva)


The employment contract establishes an employment relationship between the employer and the employee. It is legally regulated in the Labor Code. It must always be written in writing and is usually made out in three copies: for employers, employees and district administration of state social insurance agency. In the employment contract, according to the Labor Code, must be specified: type of work, place of work, date of employment. Type contract for certain time cannot be prolonged more than 3×3 years, later must be concluded new contract on indefinite period time! The Labour contract allows for the following forms of flexible form work: Shortened and changed working time scope (kratší a změněná pracovní doba), Flexible / Free working hours (pružná / volná pracovní doba), Homeworking, Distant working / teleworking (práce z domova, práce na dálku), Account of working hours (konto pracovní doby), Job sharing (sdílení pracovního místa více zaměstnanci) and Compressed working week (stlačený pracovní týden). EEA and Switzerland and third-country citizens’ holders of a residence permit which allows access to labour market. In order to obtain a residence permit with access to labour market you must have employment first. To look for a job, you can apply for a job-seeker visa. The employer must register you at the state insurance agency.