Nostrification basic, secondary and higher education schools (Nostrifikace)


Nostrification – basic, secondary and higher education schools in the Czech Republic Recognitions of diplomas and certificates of basic and secondary schools and higher education institutes provide the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy). If the state where the diploma or school certificate was issued has executed an international agreement on recognition of education credentials then a certificate or decision on recognition of the credentials is issued. The document on the credential recognition is the nostrification clause. The application for nostrification is charged – the fee is CZK 1,000. The authorised person then assesses the extent to which the subject composition and their scope are similar to the corresponding Czech course. In the case of major differences there is the nostrification examination to be sat for at a selected secondary school. Only after passing the nostrification examination the applicant is provided with the nostrification clause together with the decision or certificate.  These documents then confirm validity of a foreign diploma in the Czech Republic. This service is usually charged (in Prague by CZK 200).


The application for foreign credential recognition is filed at the education departments of the regional councils according to the registered place of residence of the applicant in the Czech Republic (in Czech):

For the list of regions of the Czech Republic see (in Czech)