Equal treatment in the Czech Republic


The Equal Treatment Act states that nobody should be in disadvantage due to gender, age, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability.

This principle of equal treatment applies to the different relationships citizens have in daily life including those happening in the job.

This act also differentiates between direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination occurs when a person experiences less favourable treatment due to their gender, age, ethnicity, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation, in comparison to another person in the same situation

Indirect discrimination occurs when the unequal treatment isn’t manifest because of one of the abovementioned grounds of discrimination but because of what appears to be a neutral provision which may have adverse effects.


If you think that you are suffering unequal treatment you can contact the The Public Defender of Rights (Veřejný ochránce práv)
(in Czech and English): https://www.ochrance.cz/

Brno , Czech Republic

Veřejný ochránce práv (The Public Defender of Rights)

Údolní 39

602 00 Brno